Sunday, March 6, 2011

2 More Days

So we're down to brass tacks here.  I still have a ton of stuff to do, but I think I have a plan.  And like 10 lists to go with that plan. 

I just finished stuffing the 3 spacebags of clothes into my biggest suitcase...I'm hoping that they won't notice that it definitely weighs more than 50lbs.  If they do, I'm screwed.  So let's just all think good thoughts that they'll overlook the weight limit.  All together now - ooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

In any case, I may actually redistribute between my other (slightly smaller) suitcase and see if I can even it out a little. thing at a time.  As you can clearly see, I a.) get distracted easily, b.) have a hard time finishing one task before moving on to the next one, and c.) can't get off the damn internet.

So now I'm going to go back to watching The Last Samurai and packing my stuff.  If I get it all done by tomorrow, then I think I'll deserve a cookie.  And a beer.


  1. That thing that they set the suitcases on to put the tags on it is a scale. They will notice.

  2. I was just thinking---I hope they don't want to search your suitcase. Spacebags.
