Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And so it begins

Captain's Log, Stardate 03082011.

Hehe, just kidding.

Let me start off by saying....I'm glad the goodbyes are over!  Imma let you finish, and I love you and I'll miss you all, but I'm happy to move on to the next stage of my travels which is complete and total EXCITEMENT!

So, anyways.  Mom insisted on parking the car and coming in with me while I checked my bags, so we went in while Bill parked the car.  Took my bags up, and lo and behold...one is overweight and one is underweight.  So we take them off the scale, do a little shuffling of stuff (and an awful lot of STUFFING into pockets) and take them back up there.  They passed that portion, so the guy set them behind the desk and I got back in line.  When I went up to the counter again, the new guy looked at my carry-on (rolling duffel bag) and my "purse" (which was actually the slightly smaller, but pretty much the same size duffel bag without wheels that came with the set) and was like "Ma'am, one of those has got to go."


Back to re-organizing we go.  I took out my laptop bag, put my books in my carry-on, my shoes in my suitcase that was already checked but still slightly underweight, and stuffed the other duffel bag into that suitcase as well.  And when I say stuffed, I mean it seriously almost took an act of Congress to get that thing to close.  I should get a medal for my packing skills.  An Olympic Gold medal for the most anyone could ever fit in their suitcase.  Ever.  

Right, so then I said goodbye to Mom and Bill (sigh, more goodbyes...) and went on to the Security Checkpoint.

I don't think I've ever gotten through Security as easily as I did today.  And I say that with a big ol' knock on wood.  Even though there were like 283490827485 people in line, it went really fast, and super smooth.  I will say, however, that it was kind of a letdown that no one asked to rub me or pat me down.  Honestly, my ego took a little hit with that one.  What are they trying to say here?  I don't look menacing enough to warrant a thorough security pat-down?  I'll tell you right now, I am menacing, and even though I had tears in my eyes and my mascara was running a little bit, they just don't even know. I am Kiwi, hear me roar.

So now I'm just patiently waiting for when the time comes for me to turn off the computer, get on the plane, and get up, Up, UP in the ayerrrrr!

In other news, there is a woman with really strong, and really fake smelling perfume sitting very near me.  It's the kind that gives you an instant headache the second the scent tickles your nose.  I hope and pray to the powers that be that she is NOT sitting next to me on the plane. 

I guess that's all for now.  I need to put the computer away and find some snacks or something for the plane.  Because, duh, I need snacks.

Peace out, America!  See you on the flipside!


  1. I hate long goodbyes, but understand...

  2. It's been a long and sad and nervewracking two days. We are eager to hear about your adventures. Right now you are about an hour and a half away from landing. Now we only have things to look forward to such as the date of your return!
